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Squid and Herring Seine for Sale
Submitted: 3/19/25
Located Newport, Oregon. Net is 8 strips 1' 1/4 mesh size, 200 fathoms with a rib line. $40,000 for net only. $50,000 for everything, includes seine, pump, dewatering gear and 4 blue hose for the pump already made with ends. Call or text 907-305-0622.
Two 30kW Isuzu 4BD1 Marine Diesel Generator Engines for Sale
Submitted: 3/19/25
Well maintained and ready for use. These robust engines are built to withstand marine environments and provide consistent, dependable power. Port generator: 30kW, 50Hz, 110/220V, 17,373 hours, new voltage regulator. Starboard generator: 2017 30kW, 50Hz, 110/220 V, 5,089 hours, recent heat exchanger service, new water pump, belts, voltage regulator and Murphy switch. Includes: large inventory of spare parts. Perfect for reposer projects or as a backup power for your vessel. Asking price: $25,000 for the pair. Located in Port Townsend, WA. Contact: phone: 5034766997 or 9045323068 email:
2 DP Manufacturing Winches for Sale
Submitted: 3/19/25
Winch serial: 45-2-00133. Winch make: DP Manufactoring. Winch model: 51882-R. Capacity: 55,000lb 1st layer 37,630 4th layer (full drum). Cable diameter: 1". Hydraulic motor serial: 104-2020-00/24707. Hydraulic motor make: Char-Lynn. Cost: $5,000. Please direct all inquiries to 206-257-7250. Ask for Jeff Davis. If leaving voicemail please list name, contact number and item you were interested in purchasing and we will return your call.
242 Dungeness Pots for Sale
Submitted: 3/18/25
38 inch/90 pounds, comes with bouys, $145.00 per pot/$165.00 per pot delivered to Seattle. Pots are anywhere from good condition to like new. Located in Pacific Seafoods yard in Kodiak Alaska. For more information call 907-942-1282.
2 Props for Sale
Submitted: 3/14/25
32x32 3 inch shaft. Dyna-Quad. Perfect condition. Like new. Call or text Dean at 907-350-1967
Power Roller for Sale
Submitted; 3/14/25
Made by Sound Hydraulic. 778 836 2990
Live PTO, 12v Shift Block & Cat 3208 for Sale
Submitted: 3/10/25
Live PTO for ZF Trans 280-305 new. EB-15 Electric 12v shift block for ZF 280-305 new. Cat 3208 12 volt starter and exhaust manifolds. 360-371-0430
Wagner N-80 Steering Ram for Sale
Submitted: 3/7/25
New clevis yoke, 1.25" shaft, good condition, no leaks. $500. Located in Everett, WA. Please call/txt Landon @ 208-991-7485.
New Warren June 17" Crab Power Block for Sale
Submitted: 3/5/25
19 CID 6000 Char Lynn motor. Stainless steel sheaves. 5" s/s roller. 90# horn. 17" crab pot bumper. Purchased May 2023 and it's never been used. Asking $4,400.00. Call: 907-617-4877
New Warren June Rail Mount Line Coiler for Sale
Submitted: 3/5/25
3/4" needle valve. Purchased May 2023 and never used. Purchase price $3,854.00 prior to shipping. Asking $2,900.00 OBO. Call: 907-617-4877
Cummins 30kw Generator for Sale
Submitted: 3/3/25
1988 model #4B -3.9 liter. $2,500. All gear ran prior to removal. Please direct all inquiries to 206-257-7250. Ask for Jeff Davis. If leaving voicemail please list name, contact number and item you were interested in purchasing and we will return your call.
Cat 3304 Engine for Sale
Submitted: 3/3/25
Horsepower rating of 95 hp. $1,500. All gear ran prior to removal. Please direct all inquiries to 206-257-7250. Ask for Jeff Davis. If leaving voicemail please list name, contact number and item you were interested in purchasing and we will return your call.
Cat 3208 Engine for Sale
Submitted: 3/3/25
Horsepower rating of 431-585 hp. $1800. All gear ran prior to removal. Please direct all inquiries to 206-257-7250. Ask for Jeff Davis. If leaving voicemail please list name, contact number and item you were interested in purchasing and we will return your call.
Cat 3116 Engine for Sale
Submitted: 3/3/25
Horsepower rating of 205-350 hp. New rebuild. Running takeout. $2500. All gear ran prior to removal. Please direct all inquiries to 206-257-7250. Ask for Jeff Davis. If leaving voicemail please list name, contact number and item you were interested in purchasing and we will return your call.
3408 Cat for Sale
Submitted: 2/28/25
3408 CAT with about 13k hrs, was getting exhaust into coolant, new injector cups and pressure testing all 3 exhaust manifold and after cooler didn't fix the problem, has new turbo (1hr) new injector lines, pre cups and injectors (1hr) everything is there to make it complete! $5000. On a pallet in my gear shed in Newport, Oregon. 541-nine-six-one-1-four-four-0.
Teknotherm Refrigeration for Sale
Submitted: 2/26/25
Teknotherm refrigeration 100 ton RSW complete system. $45,000.00 call Pat at 206-200-7589
Kohlstrand 20 Inch Crab Block with Bronze Sheaves for Sale
Submitted: 2/26/25
Located in Petersburg, AK. $12,000.00 Contact Al Peeler at 907-518-0264.
FPT N67-450E for Sale
Submitted: 2/26/25
$34,802. EVICO brand new still at FPT, in Washington state. 450 horse, digital toned down to 420. Plug in chip to go back to 450. Cost at FPT has gone up since purchase dec 2023. Includes sea trial, delivery to AML (in Seattle), and digital screen. This is the Keel cooled version. This is a great conversion from a Cat 3208. Matches transmission perfectly and engine mounting is almost exact. Can leave transmission in place!! Taylor Evenson, call or text 907-602-0520
Watch Alarm for Sale
Submitted: 2/24/25
778 836 2990
Gillnet Drum & Trailer for Sale
Submitted: 2/24/25
Asking $3,000 for each. Located in Ketchikan. Call Mike at 907-738-7429.
2 John Deere 6135 Turbos Running Takes Offs for Sale
Submitted: 2/10/25
Were removed from engines that had to be destroyed for the California air resources board, these turbos might fit other John Deere motors. Contact Erick at 415-456-9055
Avondale Workhorse Propellers for Sale
Submitted: 2/6/25
LH 132" x 97.16" 4 blade 11" bore (stainless steel) like new. Please call Ken Brooks for a price. Lafayette, LA 337-849-4547
Coolidge Workhorse Propellers for Sale
Submitted: 2/7/25
LH 123" X 124" 4 blade 9 9/16" small end bore (stainless steel) like new. Please call Ken Brooks for a price. Lafayette, LA 337-849-4547
LH 129" X 102" 4 blade 12.5" bore (stainless steel) like new. Please call Ken Brooks for a price. Lafayette, LA 337-849-4547
Avondale Kaplan Propellers for Sale
Submitted: 2/7/25
R-L 120" X 124" 4 blade 13" bore (stainless steel). Like new. Please call Ken Brooks for a price. Lafayette, LA 337-849-4547
Coolidge Propellers for Sale
Submitted: 2/7/25
R-L 45" X 51" 5 blade 4.5" bore (stainless steel) Coolidge propellers. Please call Ken Brooks for a price. Lafayette, LA 337-849-4547
Brand new John Deere 6090AFM85 for Sale
Submitted 2/5/25
Brand mew John Deere 6090 AFM 85 marine propulsion engine. Brand new with warranty engine hasn't left the dealer. 9.0L PwerTech. 325-425hp depending on ecu tune. Comes with panel and wiring harness. Project went a different direction and can't use it anymore. $39,000 that's a 15% discount. Contact Dale 253-278-3479
Kohler Generator for Sale
Submitted: 2/5/25
15kw Kohler genset, single phase 120v/240v heat exchanger, raw water cooled, and includes panel and 20ft harness. Unit has approximately 4,600 hours and was installed new in 2016. Very compact unit that will fit in small engine rooms. Asking $8,000 obo. Contact Adam: Eight3one-two2four-2nine8four
Cummins Marine Engine for Sale
Submitted: 2/3/25
Cummins Marine 6BT 5.9 210HP with DMT 90 3.46 transmission. 6 cylinder. In-line 210HP / 157 kW@2600 RPM turbocharged. Asking $10,000 Boise, ID. Please contact Mike:
3 Insert Aluminum Crab Tanks for Sale
Submitted: 2/3/25
All different sizes. One of them has a false bottom. Holding capacity around 7,000 lbs to 11,000 lbs of crab. Sunny Woodruff 360-640-4745 or email
Gillnet Drum for Sale
Submitted: 2/3/25
Drum is about 5 ft long. It's located in Blaine. Text 360-220-5968 for pics or questions.
Metataris 6 Cube Hydraulic Pump for Sale
Submitted: 1/30/25
Open ended/piggyback style pump, came out of a Bristol Bay boat. Too much for the engine to handle, went with a smaller pump. Drive coupler included. Asking $1500. Call or text Peter 9024413733
Vickers Hydraulic Pumps & More for Sale
Submitted: 1/28/25
VTM- Tank + bracket and 12 volt clutch. V-20 pump with mount and 12 volt clutch. Eaton PFC 277 mounting bracket and 12 volt clutch 70423 LBA. Eaton PFC 421 with bracket. Vickers 1/20-10 pump with mounting bracket. Weatherhead hydraulic crimping machine T400 with 120v power pack & collects (7). Brad Markusen 360-371-0430
19" Kolstrand Hydraulic Block for Sale
Submitted: 1/28/25
Used, works, $1500.00. Contact Kristeen 907-277-4266 x 4
Legend Catch Hooks 1375 Knife Edge for Sale
Submitted: 1/24/25
Have 69000 of them, was told they most likely fit an auto baiter longline trout. Looking to sell all in one lot, not really wanting to split up unless it's in large quantities. From what I can see on pricing on these asking 11000 for all obo. All brand new in box. Located in Ferndale, WA near Bellingham. Call or text 360-483-6812 or email
Net Reel for Sale
Submitted: 1/22/25
$2,800. Contact 831-915-534six
500+ Crab Pots for Sale
Submitted: 1/22/25
500+ 42x13 Trilogy and custom pots. $175 per pot. Pleas call Jeff at 541-297-4518
Hydraulic Flow Divider for Sale
Submitted: 1/21/25
Permco flow divider, 3700 series, 6:1 ratio. Used for line coiler. Flame sprayed, on rubber mounts, missing pressure relief valve, works great. Located in Petersburg, AK. $3,000 OBO. 206-595-7664
16 Lb Lead Line for Sale
Submitted: 1/17/25
50 fathoms long. 778 836 2990
28" Sikich Power Block for Sale
Submitted: 1/3/25
$1500. 360-220-5958
28" Marco Purse Seine Power Block for Sale
Submitted: 12/20/24
Has hydraulic swivel and gripper wheel. Good block just upgraded to bigger one. In Petersburg. $15,000. (907)518-0746.
Looking for Large Pot Pulling Block for Black Cod Pots
Submitted: 12/18/24
Preferably hanging but mounted will work. 707 951 7793 Richard
Fairlead for Sale
Submitted: 12/18/24
6-inch stainless steel fairlead is for 1 inch shaft 3 1/4 inches wide. Would work good for anchor roller or fairlead for longline or crab hauler. It has a zero fitting for grease and is in excellent condition. 200.00 907-723-2987 call or text.
280 Trilogy Crab Pots for Sale
Submitted: 12/11/24
Located in storage in Newport. Fully rigged, asking $275 a pot. Call Jerald at (541) 270-1771.
48" Pilkington Purse Winch for Sale
Submitted: 12/11/24
2 speed motor. 778 836 2990
Twin Disk MG-5050 for Sale
Submitted: 12/11/24
2.45 gear reduction. $4500.00 obo. This unit new runs around $7700. We ended up swapping this one out for a higher gear ratio. It has 450 hours on it and is currently set up for a Jd4045. It can be used with a variety of engines with the correct adapter plate from twin disk. Email with your contact information and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
(2) ZF-280V V-Drives for Sale
Submitted: 12/10/24
$4k each or both for $7k or best offer. These were pulled for a reposer. They have less than 1000 hours on them. Brand new electronic shifters. Excellent condition. I can out on barge and ship anywhere. Located in Juneau, AK. Contact Aaron, 907-321-0111
Stainless Props for Sale
Submitted: 12/10/24
Pulled from a re-power, excellent condition. RH and LH rotations for dual props. I also have the matching shafts they came off if you are interested, 1.75", 9ft long with dual locking, stainless nuts. $2500 each or both for $4k. I would prefer to sell them as a pair and would include the shafts for free. Located in Juneau, AK. I can out on barge and ship anywhere. Contact Aaron, 907-321-0111 or
Two Rotzler Winches for Sale
Submitted: 12/9/24
One - TH5 Platform, 13,000 lb. maximum line pull. Two - TH4 Platform, 10,000 lb. maximum line pull. Lightly used in a non-marine environment. Asking $2,000 each obo. Have line capacities and mounting data available. All other information is available by contacting John at 360-581-6445.
Eaton Airflex for Sale
Submitted: 12/4/24
Air clutch- part number 12CB350. $2000. Call: 907-305-6022
Used Dickinson Atlantic Stove for Sale
Submitted: 12/3/24
Good condition, located in Bellingham, WA. $1000. Call or text 360-820-0661
90 Fa of Seine Leadline for Sale
Submitted: 12/3/24
7-10 pound in various sections but it's all in one piece with chaffing gear. Excellent condition all hangings are good. $1800 360-220-5968
Warren Junes Crab Block 17" for Sale
Submitted: 11/25/24
$1900 firm. 360-220-5968
New Marco Purse Block for Sale
Submitted: 11/25/24
$500. 360-220-5968
Wood Bait Boxes for Sale
Submitted: 11/25/24
350 wood bait boxes plus extra parts for repairs. Asking $8.00 each, good shape stored inside after fishing. Stored in Newport, OR. Contact 541 961 0776
(2) Pac West 15 Ton Redundant Plate Freezer Systems for Sale
Submitted: 11/22/24
Came off Albacore Troller, converted to Seiner. Run with a 40kw 3 Phase gen set. ***Located on East Coast in Massachusetts*** Asking $25,000.00. Please text ONLY to 774-320-6637
242 Dungeness Pots for Sale
Submitted: 11/22/24
38 inches/80 pounds comes with bouys. $145.00 per pot - located in Trident's yard in Kodiak, Alaska. Call 907-942-1282.
Marine Engines for Sale
Submitted: 11/22/24
2 x Cummins KTA19M 470HP @ 1800 under 1000 hours each since new. Sold as a pair. 1 x Cummins KTA19M 500 HP @ 1800 RPM with 1000 hours since rebuild.1 Cummins KTA19M 500 HP @ 1800 with 10,000 hours since new. 2 x 3408 Cores for rebuild.1 Mitsubishi S6A Rated 543hp @ 1840 RPM with 14,000 hours since new. 1 Mitsubishi S6A Rated 543 HP @ 1840 RPM zero hour rebuild. 3 x 3306 Cat marine generators. Rated 194kw x 440 volts. One with radiator, two are heat exchanger cooled.1 x 3412 Cat marine mechanical engine. Rated 540 HP @ 1800 RPM. Zero hour rebuild. 2 x MG518 marine gears. 6:1 ratio. Under 1000 hours since new. More info and pictures on request. Some units are located in Ontario and some in Newfoundland, Canada. 519 222 0572 or craig
Wanted: Herring/Squid Dewatering Equipment
Submitted: 11/19/24
Looking for herring/squid dewartering equipment (box preferred but elbows work), hoses, firings, etc. Let me know what you have. James (907) 202-6-four-three-8.
36 inch Marine Fabrications Bow, Roller, Stern Roller for Sale
Submitted: 11/18/24
36 inch Marine Fabrications bow, roller, stern, roller, free, spool and tilt release, brand new, stored in shop. $4000 even. Contact Dan Yoakum at 707-684-0273.
3 Phase Pump for Sale
Submitted: 11/14/24
3 phase pump used as a condenser pump. Rebuilt in 2019 by Great Western Pump and used for 2 seasons. Located in the San Juans but can deliver to Fishermen's Terminal. $250 ONO. 425.418.6379
Pilot House Windows for Sale
Submitted: 11/14/24
Pair of pilot house windows in good condition left over from a project. Located in the San Juans but can deliver to Fishermen's Terminal. 78" x 29". $400 for the pair OBO. 425.418.6379
Picking Boom for Sale
Submitted: 11/14/24
11 foot aluminum picking boom. Located in the San Juans but can deliver to Fishermen's Terminal. $500 OBO. 425.418.6379
Large Bait Hooks & More for Sale
Submitted: 11/12/24
Large bait hooks, floats, shackles, pumps, and other gear located at Fishermen's Terminal. Call Norman at 425-758-7513.
500# Navy Stockless Anchor for Sale
Submitted: 11/12/24
Asking $750. At Fishermen's Terminal. Call Norman at 425-758-7513.
15" Junes Crab Block for Sale
Submitted: 11/12/24
Asking $750. At Fishermen's Terminal. Call Norman at 425-758-7513.
Nordic Fab Net Reel for Sale
Submitted: 11/8/24
8 feet wide, 6 foot flanges. last rebuilt in 2017, entire frame was flame sprayed and epoxy painted. New bearings throughout, planetary gear reduction rebuilt. Two speed stacked Commercial Motors, Hydracontrol D20 valve. Located in Charleston, OR. $15k OBO. Jake 401-742-9187
East Hope Trolling Gurdies for Sale
Submitted: 11/8/24
Good shape, works good, complete set of two (3 reel each side) gurdies. Price: $3800 usd. Lou @ 778 227 2100
Steel Boom for Sale
Submitted: 11/7/24
31 ft 7in steel boom with 7000lb Rotzler TH3 and Rotzler TH2, has pull master vanging winch. All necessary rigging included, $8500. 907-299-2045
Velvet Drive, Twin Disc MG506 & Newage 601 D2 for Sale
Submitted: 10/24/24
Velvet Drive 20-01R005. Twin Disc MG506 #3 Belhousing 1.5-1 ratio. Newage 601 D2 Rebuildable core. Brad 360-371-0430
Gillnet Reel for Sale
Submitted: 10/28/24
$200 OBO. In Juneau. 907-723-2987
Two Spool Electric Kohlstrand Gurdys for Sale
Submitted: 10/28/24
Very powerful and can easily lift a a 60 lb lead. New setup with controls. 0 hours $2500.00. 907 410 7005 or 907 410 7004 email:
Triple Spool Kohlstrand Gurdys for Sale
Submitted: 10/28/24
Good condition. $3000.00 negotiable. 907 410 7005 or 907 410 7004 email:
2018 D6 Volvo Engine, New in Crate, for Sale
Submitted: 10/23/24
Includes new controls. Stored in Dillingham, Alaska. Price $28,000 or Best Offer. Contact Jon at (360) 510 3470.
304C ZF Transmission for Sale
Submitted: 10/16/24
Call D at: (907)617-6538 selling a 304 c Zf transmission 0 hours 1:78:1 ratio with troll valve. Asking price 11,000 obo.
Easthope Gurdies for Sale
Submitted: 10/16/24
A Pair of 3 spool gurdies in good condition. Located on Vancouver Island. $3000 usd. Call or text John 250-812-6963
250 Dungeness Pots for Sale
Submitted: 10/15/24
38 inches, 80 pounds, comes with lines and bouy's, $175.00 per pot -- located in Kodiak Alaska-call this number 907-942-1282
Wanted: Black Cod Pots & Ground Line & Hauler
Submitted: 10/14/24
Looking for the hard black cod pots not the slinky’s. Also looking for ground line and hauler. If you have some of these items available please call me at 907-250-8750 or email
Clam Jars 300 and Scoop Baiters 300 for Sale
Submitted: 10/14/24
Located in Washington. $5 bucks each. 25three 376seven 613.
35/25 Vickers Pump CC 1 1/4 Keyed Shaft for Sale
Submitted: 10/8/24
With 38/21 Cartridge. $400 Working take out. We switched to a gear pump. six zero two 451 Zero eight eight nine.
John Deer 4045 Parts for Sale
Submitted: 10/8/24
12V starter RE 69704 with 100 hrs on it. 12V 90 A Alternator RE 533519 rebuilt with new bearings. 12V 120A Alternator with 100 hrs on it. JD belt cage guard.All New or newish. We switched to 24V and added Sea drive so we had to change. Asking $500 for all. six zero two 451 Zero eight eight nine.
New Four Blade Skiff Prop for Sale
Submitted: 10/8/24
31x22 RH Four Blade Nibral. 2” shaft 6” hub New in box. Purchased 2 of these for a 315hp Cummins BTA with 3:1 Reduction in a Marco skiff. Perfect fit. Asking $3k 602 four five one 0889
220 HP Cummings Engine & 509 Twin Disk 2.9:1 for Sale
Submitted: 10/2/24
Both were rebuilt some time ago for a repower that never happened. Would make for a good reposer for a 45 to 50 foot vessel. 8000.00 OBO 907-723-2987
6.5 x 6.5 Cod/Crab Pots for Sale
Submitted: 10/2/24
36 each of 'soft" tunnel (blue stringers for tunnels) pots that are 36" tall. 69 each of 'hard' tunnel pots that are 33' tall. These were manufactured in the early 2000s, were used for only two seasons and have been in storage since. They are very square and in great shape. Asking $500 per pot, located in Kodiak. Call KC 425-229-0383.
46 Black Cod Tubs for Sale
Submitted: 10/2/24
Steel tubs in great shape - thirty tubs/gear brand new- only used for one season. 3/8 line. Well maintained. Gear has been blackmailed with new hooks installed. Ready to fish! Asking $75 per tub, located in Kodak. Please call KC at 425-229-0383
Hamilton Jets Model -291 for Sale
Submitted: 9/25/24
Came off a whale watch boat works fine update to outboard. The jets are Hamilton model -291 and with approx 2500 hours and in good shape . The main bearings - cutlass bearings - seals and spacers have all been replaced . ask $15000 CAD each. Jet in Richmond,BC. Contact Alan 778 868 2099 pls text first.
Marine Engine Volve TAMD - 71/B for Sale
Submitted: 9/25/24
Came off a running whale watch boat 2023 update to outboard everything works fine have all engine harness. The engine model - TAMD - 71/B. They have approx. 2500 hours and both engines had $36000.00 rebuild each by 2018 since covid didn't run much at all. Port engine runs excellent ask $20000.00 CAD. Starboard engine runs great but smokes a bit when cold ask $17000.00 CAD. Can start engines up and you can get mechanic to check if you want. Engine in Richmond,BC. Contact Alan 778 868 2099 pls text first.
Bristol Bay Gillnets for Sale
Submitted: 9/23/24
Hung 50 fathom shackles. Excellent lines and floats. 200-250lb. leadlines. ½” high strength Samson corkline. Mesh sizes- 4-1/2” , 4-5/8”, 4-3/4” , 4-7/8” , 5-1/8”. Amikan and LFS Peak web. $1200 - $1600 per shackle. Contact George @ 360-223-3583 (Bellingham) call or text
IMS New in the Crate Chiller System for Sale
Submitted: 9/23/24
12tn self-contained electric driven RSW/brine refrigeration unit. Includes circulation pump, SS chiller mounting brackets and contactors for circulation pump, compressor and condenser pump. SS strainer available. $28,000. Call 707-293-3940 for more information.
Corks for Sale
Submitted: 9/23/24
Bl5 seine corks .70 each. Seine bunt corks 1$ each. Gillnet corks .30 each. 360-220-5968
17 Junes Crab Block for Sale
Submitted: 9/23/24
$2400 360-220-5968